
Monday, August 25, 2008


The time has come! Tomorrow night is my debut as a television star. Be sure to tune in tomorrow night to the History Channel series, EVOLVE. The episode is on Skin and yours truly will be featured. This is what they have to say about the Episode,

"It makes up 16% of your body weight, is the largest organ in the human body, allows birds to fly, mammals to nurse their young, and provides a lifelong defense against predators and parasites alike. What is it? Skin. From the delicate membranes that encased the earliest animals to the leathery hides that protected the dinosaurs, this episode looks at how skin has changed and adapted to virtually any challenge it has faced throughout history."

So watch me sweat and learn something new. The show is airing at the following times:

Tuesday, August 26 @ 10pm
Wednesday, August 27 @ 2am
Sunday, August 31 @ 11pm
Monday, September 1 @ 3am
Saturday, Septmber 13 @ 2pm

Honestly, I haven't seen it yet, and I could be horribly embarrassed. So, tune in, and let me know what you think!